Saturday, February 9, 2019

Photoshop Infographic

About Me : Sheza 

How to guide : How to draw a horse

About This : How screwed is Huawei?

Monday, February 4, 2019

3 questions


What do I want to learn?

I have already taken a computers class last semester so I know quite a bit, such as basic HTML and CSS coding. As well as coding, I would say I am an intermediate at Photoshop, and image editing. Not only this but I have created many things in Microsoft Publisher such as fliers and pamphlets.
Image result for html css Image result for photoshop Image result for publisher

What do I already know

This year in info tech I would like to learn how to do more advanced editing in Photoshop. I would also like to learn how to code small video games. Other than this, I want to learn how to make 2-D and 3-D animations.

Image result for photoshop Image result for video game coding Related image

How will computers fit into my future?

Computers will be very significant for my future barely depending on what I will become. our world is rapidly changing and going into the technological age, in which almost everyone will need to use technology in their daily lives. we would need it for typing job applications, getting into thousand of different jobs that rely on tech, as well as knowing how they work if any are having problems.
Related image Image result for word Related image


What is an info-graphic?

An infographic is any type of visual that shows/ explains specific data

4 Infographic Examples